Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Cyber Bullying

What surprised me, what did I learned?
- One thing that surprises me is how people, hurt other people who are innocent. The bullies are those who do usually are being bullied or were bullied in the past. Bullies just want to take it out on others and that is wrong. I learned that cyber bullying is bad, if you are being bullied in that way, go and talk with your father, mother, or guardian. They might help you with your situation. Also, in school ignore them, do not reply. If you reply, it will be like you are interested in what the bully is doing to you. So go and talk with someone close to you, and discuss your problem. Don't stay quiet. Gather evidence and support your information.

How did I feel during and after watching the movie?
- When I was watching the movie I felt bad for that girl. She wanted to die, she felt angry and sad with the people that was making her that. After watching the movie, I kind of realize that we need to stop all this thing of cyber bullying. Bullies are hurting the others. The other people feel so bad because of the bullies. I will like you to see the movie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRtgTTr4yho.

Did my feelings changed after watching the movie?
- My feelings really changed. This girl named Taylor Hillridge was just a normal girl that create an account on cliquesters. His brother hacked his computer and wrote bad things on Taylor profile, that make the cyber bullying started. Suddenly, an invitation of a guy named James Petitious. That ''James'' was her best friend. Because of her, Taylor lost her friends, James started to talk bad about Taylor, and in her school she was bullied. She wanted to die because of that  She finally discovered that her best friend did that. Later on, Taylor's best friends was cyber bullied in school. But she could handle it. Taylor and her best friend went to a place where they could talk about their problems of cyber bullying.

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